Cross Africa 2025 Northbound: Hitsquad Application
Welcome to the application for the role of Hitsquad Controller for this upcoming edition of Cross Africa 2025: Northbound.

Cross Africa is returning for another edition on the 18th January 2025. However, Africa in itself is a massive continent, and as such, gaps may need filling enroute, and at some airports.

This is where you, as a Hitsquad controller will come in, to help fill the gaps, and relieve pressure off other controllers to help workload become more manageable. 

Before continuing, ensure you have the following:
  • VATSIM Rating of S3 or higher
If you do not meet the requirements for this, your application will be rejected.
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What is your name? *
What is your VATSIM CID? *
What is your current VATSIM rating? *
What is your discord username? *
Which of the following controller clients are you familiar with? (you may select more than one.)
What is your current home vACC/Division? *
What times would you be available on the 18th January?

The event will run from 0900z to 2100z.
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